Offering music lessons in piano, guitar, voice, ukulele and more!
Tuition for each session may be paid in its entirety at the beginning of the session or in monthly installments at the first lesson of each month. Summer workshops, group intensives and camps require a non-refundable deposit at the time of registration with the balance due at the first session
Private & Semi-Private Instruction
Tuition Cost
For a 12-week session of 30-minute lessons the cost is $321.00 or $107.00 per month. 45 and 60-minute lessons are also available.
Days and times vary depending upon availability,
Add 20 minutes of "Buddy Time" to a private lesson to work with a peer on duets, to learn theory, play musical games and much more!
Tuition Cost
$481.50 for 12 weeks or $160.50 per month
(50 min. total lesson time)
Group Lessons
Musical Me This Summer!
Beginning voice and instrument class for 4 - 6 year-olds
Dates and time TBA
3 student minimum.
$80.00 for 6 weeks.
Contact Shelley with questions and to register.
Sing Out Loud Chorus
FOR AGES 4 - 14
Saturday mornings
9:00 am - 9:45 am​
Spring & Fall Seasons (16 wks each)
Join in anytime!
Membership is $35 per season​
Spring Season starts February 15th. Join us!

Summer Workshops Information here