Offering music lessons in piano, guitar, voice, ukulele and more!
Session dates
Fall session- after Labor Day in September until early December (12 weeks)
Winter session- first week of January until early April (12 weeks)
Spring session- mid April until end of May (6 weeks)
Summer session- July until mid-August (6 weeks)
Summer workshops, group intensives and camps: offerings and dates vary. See current schedule.

The current rate for individual lessons is $53.50 per hour. The minimum weekly private lesson is 20 minutes for preschoolers and Kindergarteners, 30 minutes for school-aged children and adults.
Small group lessons are a minimum of 45 minutes in length. The rate is $17.50 per hour per child.
Tuition for each session may be paid in its entirety at the beginning of the session or in monthly installments at the first lesson of each month. Summer workshops, group intensives and camps require a non-refundable deposit at the time of registration with the balance due at the first session.
With the first tuition payment, it is understood that it is the intention of both student and teacher to continue with lessons for the duration of the session. If for any reason either must stop before the end of the session, payment will terminate at the end of the current month or will be refunded on a pro-rata basis when full payment was made at the beginning of the session.
Inclement Weather, Absences, Vacations and Illness…
If lessons are canceled due to inclement weather, lessons will be held via an online call at the regular lesson time or with an alternative lesson time within the week.
If the instructor needs to cancel a lesson time for personal reasons, an attempt will be made to schedule an alternative lesson time within the week in person or via an online call. If this is not possible, due to student or instructor schedule conflicts, the lesson time will be credited toward the next session.
If a student needs to cancel a lesson for personal reasons, an attempt will be made to schedule an alternative lesson within the week either in person or via an online call. If this is not possible due to student or instructor schedule conflicts, an additional lesson may be scheduled during the make-up week at the end of the session.
The instructor does not guarantee available time slots to compensate for multiple absences within a session.
Remote Learning: In the event of a prolonged absence of the instructor or student, and where possible, remote learning lessons may be offered in lieu of in-person lessons.
If a student is absent for longer than one month or decides to opt out of lessons for one session or an indefinite period of time, lesson time slots cannot be guaranteed upon the return to lessons.
If the instructor’s schedule is full, students will be accepted on a waiting list basis with lesson openings offered as they become available.

Contact Shelley with any questions regarding Music In Me policies.